Carissa T.

Topic: Softball

Essential Question: What is most essential to winning a softball game?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog 4: Interview 1 & Presentation 1

1) In my first interview I asked Emily Almeida what I should focus on my senior topic on, and she suggested I do coaching. For my presentation I showed the class proper swing and technique. I wanted to use a coaching approach to explore the coaching route by teaching and learning tips and techniques.

2) I think that in my presentation I did a good job displaying the technique and formation by using my bat and body. I also did my best to explain each mechanic as well as give a further explanation as to why it was important and why it was effective.

3) The most challenging part for me was to say everything I needed to say, giving enough information for people to understand, and fitting it all into 5 minutes because there are so many things that could be talked about on the hitting aspect of softball.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 3: Presentation1

Objective: The students will learn proper batting stance and swing.

Procedure: 1) I will ask the class who has ever played softball or baseball and if they've ever hit a homerun.
                  2) I will go over the five mechanics used in the swing
  • Weight Transfer
  • Hips leading the hands
  • Level swing
  • Ideal contact
  • Staying insode the ball
                 3) I will proceed to explain tips and formation that I have learned
                 4) The I will conclude the presentation
Check for Understanding : To check for understainding I will ask random people some to name some of the five mechanics and

Materials: I will be bringing a softball bat.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog 2 : Interview 1 Preparation

1) Who am I interviewing and why?

For my first interview I will talk with Emily Almeida from the class of 2011. I choose to interview her because she did softball as her topic last year and hope that she can give me advice and information based on her experience,  that helped her with her project. She may also be able to help me choose the focus of topic and refer me to anyone she knows in the sport of softball.

2) What additional questions will you ask?
        What focuses on softball would you reccomend that I look into?
        What mistakes did you make in the process of studying your topic?
        Where did you do sevice learning and why?
        What did you walk away with at the end of the year?

Monday, September 5, 2011

Blog 1: Senior Project Topic

What is your topic? : Softball

I chose softball as my senior project topic because I've been playing softball since I was 9 years old and I absoulutely love to play. I believe that sports help you grow as a person in the sense that you push yourself and discover things about yourself that you didn't think was possible, and it boosts your confidence by learning new skills and being able to apply them. The goal of the senior project is to help you attain new skills and develop as an individual. I chose softball because I believe objectives of the two have a connection, and I want to explore my topic on a whole other level that not many athletes get to see.

What do I hope to accomplish after studying this topic all year?
After this year of studying my topic I hope to get a better understanding of softball and hopefully walk away with knowledge that will have helped me pursue my dream of playing college softball and knowing what it takes to have commitment to one subject. I also hope to have mastery in one topic in several ways, which I have never done before.